BDTC November 17th, 2022 Meeting:
Attending Members: Linda L. (Chair), Michael M. (Secretary), Ted Dukkas, Richard Warning,
Frank Frazier, Anne Paulsen, Jeff L., Richard Madden, Peter Grey, Chris Doyle, Agnus
Abercrombie, Marc Sacks, Kathy Quirk, Paul Rickter, Russ Leino, Steve Klionsky, Vera Isk.
(Treasurer), Jenna Murphy, Larry Link, Kim Haley-Jackson (Human Rights Committee
representative), Will Brownsbeger (State Senator), Nan Donald, Barbarra Barry, Mel Poindexter,
Tina Poindexter, Ruth Smullin, Talyor Yates,

1) Proxy Votes for Tonight per Linda L. (Chair) Cabell Eames: Lois Pines, Barbara Miranda
Helen Bakeman, Jeanne Mooney, Robert McGraw, Carolyn Schwartz
2) Agnus Abercrombie Speaks on his motion related to the Affirmative action outreach and
action advisor.
a) Our committee needs to work to outreach to key groups in Belmont and increase
our effort to include input from minority committees throughout Belmont.
b) Updated information to make language are more modernized, and better
represent the communities we are outreaching to. Also gave more specific duties
and responsibilities that should be covered by the position.
c) Angus A. and Linda L (Chair) and Dan Barry has made a motion to put this
amendment to our by-laws on the floor (modernizing language)
d) Marc Sacks: Asked about what specific changes were made to modernizing
language? Notes changes can be rapid as progress is made and identities are
e) Agnus A. and Linda L. put up the original text verses the updated text. To clarify
and make clear.
f) Steve K. notes some of the language might be the same as the old language,
which sounds like we are oppositional as opposed to seeking to represent and
include groups.
g) Agnus A. and Linda L. notes that the updated language clarified that odd
phrasing and made it properly worded and more clear.
h) TIna P. notes that there might be some clarification and context issues. The old
(and new) bylaw/amendment must be clear and match up with the state
committee. We are struggling to reach out to the groups already in our coalition,
and the state party is trying to get ahold of things and speak with one voice.
i) Linda L. and Angus A. strongly agree that we want to work to clarify any
confusion and work with the committee (state Dems) to make sure we are
speaking as one and working to reach out to the groups who already call our
party home and who are asking us to strengthen our outreach.
j) Linda L and Angus A. make a motion to postpone the vote until we get further
clarification from Tina P. and Mel P. and the MA state committee. Voted on by full
k) Passed unanimously
l) Linda L. puts forward a motion to have Angus A. as our Affirmative Action
outreach and action advisor.
m) Angus A. notes that he was aware that he is a young cis white male, but he
wants to work to increase outreach to key communities throughout Belmont. He
is a key leader in the Young Democrats LGBT caucus, and he wanted to reach

out and (in the future) have a future full member who represent communities of
color and LGBT and disabled community take over the role.
n) Linda L. notes that Angus A. is enthusiastic and willing to do the work to outreach
to communities that are underrepresented in our committee. She also is very
impressed by his willingness to give up the position when a full member from key
communities is ready to take the baton from him.
o) Motion put to a vote, unanimously approved.
p) Jeff L. notes that we would be remiss if we did not mention the Democratic
successes in the midterms. Keeping the Senate, winning state legislative races in
key swing states, almost keeping the house. We did a lot of great work to make
this possible. Lots of hours phone banking and canvassing and sending
postcards. This is our victory too! For Democracy, and human rights.
q) Michael M. Notes that speaking of state leg, wins there was a concerning update.
At the League of Women voters warrant briefing in Belmont, a question was
asked if the Town Meeting Members could overrule the voters who had voted for
a debt exclusion/override to build a new library. The town lawyer/council noted
that the referendum/town wide vote while allowing such funds to be used, did not
bind town meeting to use the funds at all, as the voters were intending. The Town
Meeting members could (in theory) vote down the proposal and refuse to
acknowledge the voters decision. He noted that such a decision would enrage
voters and would make them less willing to trust town meeting (and their
members) if they ever needed to ask for help again. It also would act as a run
around voters and would also potentially lead to political maneuvering and
gamesmanship/abuse. Lastly, he notes that certain political groups in town who
lobbied voters again the new library override/debt exclusions might attempt to
use this loophole to go around voters to stop the project.
r) Ruth Smullin mentions that the leaf blower amendment was also on the Town
Meeting Agenda. She notes that Town Meeting members should attend Town
Meeting and be aware that this motion on leaf blowers as well as the library will
be coming up on two nights. She talked about this at the sustainable Belmont
s) Linda L.. wishes us all a Happy Thanksgiving and notes we have much to be
thankful for. A victory for democracy, a victory for human rights, and hope for a
better future thanks in part to our work. We adjourn.