About Us

The Belmont Democratic Town Committee (BDTC) is the local, grassroots branch of the Democratic Party. We support the ideals and aims of the party and participate in the ongoing discussion at the state and local level that determines these ideals and aims. We do everything within our power to promote the Democratic party in our state, because we believe Democrats are good for Massachusetts. We endorse and campaign for candidates and issues that align with Democratic values.



Support your local Democratic Party! Donating to your local branch of the Democratic Party can go a long way in strategically supporting candidates and organizing groups that advance our values at every level. If you are willing and able, consider making a donation to Belmont Democrats.


Contact Us

Reach out to us if you want to get involved in your local Democratic Party; you want to help elect local, state, and national Democratic leaders; you want to learn about local Democratic caucus information; you want to run for Delegate to the MassDems State Convention; or if  you have any other questions, concerns, or suggestions.

Send us a message, or join us at our monthly meetings.

Belmont Town Hall

About the BDTC

The Belmont Democratic Town Committee (BDTC) is the local, grassroots branch of the Democratic Party. We are established under the authority of the General Laws of Massachusetts (Ch. 52, § 2) and the Charter of the Massachusetts Democratic Party. Under this, we advocate for the ideals of the Democratic Party locally, statewide, and nationally.

Our Platform, as approved at the 2021 Convention, may be viewed here. 

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Upcoming Events

  • BDTC Meeting

    Thursday, February 27, 6:30 for pizza and refreshments and 7 for meeting–hybrid option. We wil…

    February 27 @ 6:30 pm8:30 pm